I remember a few months ago, before that terrible accident. I was planning to apologize to Amy for how badly I had treated her but as a punishment, I had this horrible thing done to me. You want to hear about it, alright but remember that I don't like to talk about it. I was at home, remembering what I had done to Amy. It was so horrible, I don't even want to put it into detail. There was only one thing to do so I went to Station Square and found Amy's apartment. I knocked on the door, Amy answered the door, an infuriated look on her face. "What do you want?!"Amy said, obviously ticked off. "I want to apologize, what I did was wrong."I replied. "AND?!?" "What else is there to say? I'm sorry." "I DON'T CARE HOW SORRY YOU ARE!!! WHAT YOU DID IS UNFORGIVABLE!!!" Amy slammed the door in my face, I could hear her crying and sobbing from the front door. I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. The only girl who ever gave a damn about me no longer wanted anything to do with me. I walked down the stairs, I was unaware that Amy was watching me from a window. ‘She's right, what I did IS unforgivable. Besides, I don't even deserve a girl like her.'I thought. I was still deep in thought and I walked across the street without looking left or right, just at my feet. The shrill sound of a truck's horn brought me back to reality, then I saw a pick up truck, a semi truck and a van all coming towards me. All three vehicles crashed into me and smashed me into the side of a building. "SONIC!!!"Amy screamed as she ran to the wreck and found me under a wheel of the van. "Sonic, say something! Speak to me!"Amy begged. "A- Amy? Amy, is that you?"I choked out. "Yes Sonic, I'm here." "Amy, please, I beg of you, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you." Amy began to cry as she took hold of my hand and gripped it firmly. "I'm sorry too, I should have forgiven you sooner. Now you're hurt." I never realized Amy was sorry. I thought she hated me now. "Amy, I must tell you something."I said. "What, tell me anything."Amy replied. "I love you."I said as I gripped her hand tightly. Amy said nothing, I blacked out. The last thing I remembered was Amy kissing me softly on the lips and saying that she loved me too. I woke up in a white room, I tried to move but my limbs were gone. All that appeared to be left was my torso and some of my head. "He's awake, let's begin."A man said, he placed something over what was left of my face, I fell asleep again. I woke up in another white room, in a bed this time. I touched my face, it was cold and hard like steel. I looked at my hands, they were made of metal instead of flesh and bone. I looked over at a mirror, what I saw horrified me. I saw a blue hedgehog robot, I looked like Metal. Not only were my face and arms made of metal, but my whole body was too. I heard talking in the other room. "May I see him?"Amy's voice said. "I'm afraid not."A nurse said. "Why, I haven't seen him in a week." I stopped, Amy wanted to see me? After everything that had happened. "Wait, let her come in."I yelled, my voice rather metallic sounding. Amy walked into the room, she looked slightly rounder than she did the last time I saw her. "Sonic?"Amy said. "Don't look at me. I'm hideous."I said as I pulled the white blanket over my face. Amy pulled the blanket from me. "Sonic!*gasp* What happened to you?" "I should be asking you that question. What happened to YOU?" Amy wouldn't answer. "Amy, what happened to you?"I repeated. "That doesn't matter now, I'll tell you later."Amy replied. I ran a metal clawed hand through Amy's hair, I felt nothing for I had no nerves in my hands anymore. She shivered at the feel of my metal hand. "Sonic."the nurse said as she walked into the room. "What?"I replied. "I suppose you've been wondering what happened to you. Well, your body was so torn up that we had to replace every part of you accept your brain with a machine so you're technically a robot now. You will be able to go home today if you think you are well enough." So I planned to go home but Amy insisted that I stay with her, Amy was hiding something from me, I could feel it. For some reason, never felt that I could finally trust myself around Amy and she showed no fear. I really did wonder what Amy was hiding from me.